Pioneers are the ones with the arrows in their backs

Ondanks wat doorgaans geloofd wordt, is het beter om snel te volgen, dan als eerste te vertrekken.

“Why do fast followers win more often?  It’s pretty simple. First Movers tend to launch without really fully understanding customer problems or the product features that solve those problems. They guess at their business model and then do premature, loud and aggressive Public Relations hype and early company launches and quickly burn through their cash.. This is a great strategy if there’s a bubble occuring in your market or you are going to bet it all on flipping your company for a sale. Otherwise the jury is in. There’s no advantage. [4]”

“Astute fast-followers recognize that part of Customer Discovery is learning from the first-mover by looking at the arrows in their backs. Then avoiding them.”

InnovatorFirst to develop or patent an idea
Product PioneerFirst to have a working model
First MoverFirst to sell the product47% failure rate
Fast FollowerEntered early but not first8% failure rate

Uit: Why Pioneers are the ones with arrows in their back.- Steven Blank

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